Nositelé medaile Jana Marka Marci z Kronlandu

prof. Josef Komárek

Josef Komárek was born 1946 in Brno. He graduated in chemistry in 1969 at the Faculty of Science of the J. E. Purkyně University (now Masaryk University), where he also earned a degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences (RNDr.) in 1970. In 1977 he received the Candidate of Sciences degree (CSc.) and in 1998 the Doctor of science degree (DrSc.) from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. In 1992 he habilitated at the Faculty of Science of the Masaryk University and in 2004 he was appointed professor of Analytical Chemistry.

His first employment in 1969 was at the Department of Geology and Pedology, Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Brno (now Mendel University), in 1971 he moved to the Veterinary Research Institute in Brno and then in the same year to the Department of Analytical Chemistry, UJEP in Brno. On this position (now the Department of Chemistry of the Masaryk University) he has operated to this day.

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry has been his major research field since his student´s years. His research interests focus on the development of methods for trace analysis of environmental, clinical, geological and metallurgical samples, role of organic reagents in atomic absorption spectrometry, releasing agents for flame atomization, various types of matrix modifiers for electrothermal atomization, cold-vapour technique, Zeeman background correction, flow injection analysis (FIA), FIA-AAS after preconcentration of metal ions on chelating sorbents, by solvent extraction and by dialysis, and AAS in connection with electrochemical deposition of metals. In addition to the AAS, he devotes to the atomic fluorescence spectrometry and the speciation analysis, especially of mercury.

His teaching activity has consisted of lectures Basic analytical chemistry, Trace analysis, Environmental analytical chemistry - inorganic pollutants, Atomic absorption spectrometry and Speciation analysis, and of laboratory courses Environmental analytical chemistry - inorganic pollutants and Materials analysis.

The results of his work have been published in more than 100 scientific articles, of which over 60 articles have been published in impacted domestic and foreign journals. Josef Komárek co-authored one monograph, seven textbooks and about hundred lectures or posters at domestic and foreign seminars and conferences.

Josef Komárek actively participated in organizing a number of seminars and courses in the field of AAS. Since 2005, he has been a member of the Main committee of the Ioannes Marcus Marci Spectroscopic Society and the chairman of its bulletin editorial board. Recently he also organized a series of "Speciation analysis" workshops.

